We did it! We showed up. We called. We advocated. We worked tirelessly side-by-side. We stood up to the City and said, “no more pollution.” We told the story of what else was possible.
Finally, after nine years, and with legislative support, EPNI will be buying the Roof Depot warehouse. Now we’ll be working with our neighbors, architects, and developers to create this local hub of fresh food, green jobs, clean energy, affordable housing, sustainable innovation, financial equity, and more. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about what happens next.
🌻 Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
🌻 Volunteer with EPNI Our 5 volunteer teams continue to work on:
Sharing our story of just and sustainable development locally and nationwide;
Shutting down other public health threats to the neighborhood (like Bituminous Roadways and Smith Foundry)
Organizing events that build and support community.
and more
We always appreciate help with translating and interpreting, flyering, tabling, grant-writing, mentoring, consulting, and maintaining solidarity with other local Environmental Justice movements. Sign up here.
🌻 Donate to EPNIWe’re fundraising money this fall for community-owned climate-resilient infrastructure
The site cost is $11.4 million, of which EPNI will pay $3.7M. The $3.7M is due by September 8, 2023, via, e.g., a letter of credit or personal guaranty. The state will pay the rest by the July 2024 closing.
Community-oriented investors have already raised the $3.7 million, pending inspections and due diligence.
In September, we secured a one year extension of our purchase agreement deadline. Now EPNI expects to own the site by Summer 2026. (Until then, the City of Minneapolis retains control of the site)
Getting the building ready for commercial tenants could cost as much as $20 million. That money will come from a mix of grants (foundations and public agencies), investors, and loans. You can chip in here!
Based on ongoing community input over the past 10 years, we prioritize organizations and businesses with plans to bring fresh food, green jobs, clean energy and financial equity to East Phillips. We’ve received 70+ inquiries from interested tenants. Here are some of the emerging plans.
An indoor urban farm, fertilized in part by a large-scale aquaponics operation
A local print shop
The largest epicentral solar array in the country, build in collaboration with Cooperative Energy Futures
A cafe
Cultural markets
Collaborative art-making spaces
Have an idea? Email our program director, Joe Vital, at joe@epnifarm.org
You bet!