City of Minneapolis at it again, putting up roadblocks to East Phillips’ Indoor Urban Farm

Via Healing Minnesota Stories Blog by Scott Russell

After a decade of friction between Minneapolis city officials and East Phillips Neighborhood Institute (EPNI) board over redeveloping the Roof Depot site, the two sides seemed to have a budding partnership.

The city finally agreed to sell the property to EPNI, but EPNI members now face a time crunch to raise money. The city still hasn’t granted them access to the building so they can do necessary assessments to get funder buy-in.

“We hope the city will work with us so that we all succeed, instead of work against us,” said Dean Dovolis, EPNI Board president.



The Alley: After Decades of Poor Air in Phillips, Proof: Pollutants Harm Health


CBS NEWS: Minneapolis community group celebrates "Roof Depot" victory